Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jumping Back Into the Blogging World

I never thought I would say this, but I've decided to jump back into the world of blogging.

It has been about six years since I was last in the blogging world.  When I was a teenager I had a blog about dance and my life as a dancer. I used it as a medium to keep my friends up to date when I travelled around the country for performances. It wasn't anything special, but it served its purpose at the time. When I decided to retire from dance, I decided it was time to retire the blog as well.  From that point until now I had no reason, desire, or time to maintain one.

I decided recently that I wanted to start a new blogging project. I'm 22 years old, and having just completed my undergraduate college career, I'm kind of stuck in limbo while I wait to move off to graduate school. I literally have nothing to do but hang out and wait until I start my next big adventure.

In the meantime, I have decided to occupy my time with a project. The goal of the project? Have a summer of "firsts". Sounds vague, I know. That's because it is. My objective is to visit and enjoy all of the Cincinnati venues I've always heard about but never gotten to try in my 22 years of living here, watch all of the movies I've heard about but never gotten to see, try new foods, and the list goes on.

Unfortunately, my summer is half-over thanks to graduating from a quarter school and transitioning into a semester school. Despite its short duration, my summer has been a complete blast - and I've already experienced A LOT of firsts that I'll tell you about later. I don't want summer to end (heavy sigh).

I'll be writing about all of my summer shenanigans in the coming weeks. Hopefully, if all goes as planned, I'll be able to continue writing as I make the move to Purdue University in August and tackle my biggest challenge yet: getting my PhD.

If you take a look at my interests on this blog, you should be able to gather what you might be in store for. I have a very wide array of interests and I'm passionate about many things.  Some of my plans include, going to at least two coffee shops a week (I have a deep, undying love for coffee, tea, and espresso) and trying to go through my entire first semester at Purdue without wearing any Bearcats/UC attire to school (harder than it sounds). Most blogs have a specific subject that they address - mine will likely not adhere to that standard. You could be reading about nail polish one day, football the next, and neuroscience the day after. That's just what makes me who I am.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts and experiences,


Side Note: I'm a scientist. Part of being a scientist is mastering a scientific writing style with slightly altered rules of punctuation and usage. It's choppy, it often omits words or replaces words with commas, etc. I'm working on my ability to transition from one writing style to the another, but it's definitely taking some work. I am fully aware that my writing will not be perfect,  though I will try my best.

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